How Much Does A Webflow Website Cost?

If you're creating the Webflow website yourself, the financial cost is the price of the hosting and the domain name. If you're paying a freelancer or an agency to design and develop the website for you, prices massively vary from $100 to $100,000+. Websites with Macu start at $7,500 to give you a frame of reference of where we sit in that scale. So, what changes the price of a website? And what factors do you need to consider when it comes to pricing? Following on from that, how do you determine which is an appropriate price for you to pay?

Let's dive in.


Webflow Pricing Breakdown

Here are the minimum costs to have a Webflow website.

We've written an in depth blog post about the pricing of Webflow websites here but here's a quick overview:

(Note: with all of these, you save up to 22% when billed yearly!)


Site Plans

For hobby and staging sites to those needing an enterprise-grade solution.

  • Starter plan — Free
  • Basic plan — $14 if billed yearly ($18 if billed monthly)
  • CMS plan — $23 if billed yearly ($29 if billed monthly)
  • Business plan — $39 if billed yearly ($49 if billed monthly)
  • Enterprise plan — Contact Webflow


Ecommerce Plans

Perfect for new businesses getting off the ground to scaling your online business to new heights.

  • Standard plan — $29 if billed yearly ($42 if billed monthly)
  • Plus plan — $74 if billed yearly ($84 if billed monthly)
  • Advanced plan — $212 if billed yearly ($235 if billed monthly)


Additional Costs to Consider

Third-party Integrations

Webflow's functionality is wide-ranging but there if you want additional functionality, you may need to pay for third-party integrations depending on your particular use case.

In fact, we just wrote an article entitled "Top 5 Webflow Apps From The Webflow App Marketplace," which may help inform you about functionality needs on top of Webflow's native features

Although these costs seem insignificant, they can rack up.

Examples include:

  • Mailchimp — $9.99 to $299.00 per month, depending on the plan
  • Zapier — free starter plan or paid plans starting at $20 per month
  • Memberstack — free starter plan or paid plans starting at $19.99 - $34.99 per month


Custom Domain Names

If you want a custom domain name instead of a subdomain, it will cost an additional fee

The cost of a custom domain name can vary widely depending on the provider, the domain's extension (.com, .net, .org, etc.), and the market demand for the specific domain name you're interested in.

Generally, prices for custom domain names start at around $10 per year for the most basic names and extensions.

However, more desirable names or premium domains can go for hundreds or even thousands of dollars.

To connect this domain with your Webflow site, you'll also need to consider the cost of domain hosting or any additional privacy protection services offered by the domain registrar, which can add to the overall expense.


Why pay for a freelancer or agency to develop a website for you?

Let's say you are a business that is successful but your website is becoming a major painpoint. Here are the most common reasons why people want to re-design and develop their website:

  • You need to pay a developer every time you want to update it
  • Your marketing team can't manage the website themselves
  • Your website is slow to load and you don't know why
  • Your website isn't responsive
  • Your website doesn't have the functionality it needs to serve your business needs
  • Your website doesn't reflect your brand identity or offerings accurately

With this context, the risks of trying to design and develop the website yourself are:

  • Time Consumption: Learning and executing web design and development can be incredibly time-consuming, diverting attention from core business activities.
  • Professional Quality: Without professional skills or experience, the final website may lack the quality and functionality expected by today's standards.
  • SEO Challenges: Properly optimizing a website for search engines requires expertise that a novice might not possess, potentially leading to poor search rankings.
  • Technical Issues: Handling hosting, security, backup, and other technical aspects can be overwhelming and may result in vulnerabilities.
  • Limited Functionality: Without proper knowledge, you might end up with a website that doesn’t fully meet your business’s functionality requirements.
  • Ongoing Maintenance: Websites require continuous updates and maintenance, which can become a significant burden without the necessary skills.
  • Design Flaws: An untrained individual may struggle with creating a compelling and user-friendly website design, affecting user experience and engagement.
  • Cost Overruns: While attempting to save on costs, inexperienced individuals might make decisions that lead to higher expenses in the long run.

This means it's well worth hiring professionals to help assist you with website migration.


Our Website Development Process

So you can see the whole process in action, here's a real life example with a company we worked with called Vouchsafe. This project has taken approx 10 weeks and has been immensely fun!


1) Brand Discovery

We cover the following:

  • What does your business provide for customers? Describe the products or services your business offers
  • How did you come up with this idea? Share the inspiration or story behind the business concept
  • Why do you do what you do? Explain the motivation driving your business
  • What is the problem that your business has a solution for? Identify the specific issue your business addresses
  • What stage is the business at? Describe the current development phase of your business
  • Who are your current clients? List the existing customer base.
  • Describe the solution and give three words that sum it up? Explain your business solution and provide three defining words
  • What should your satisfied customers experience from your solution? Detail the benefits customers should receive.
  • Where do you want your business to be or what do you want your business to achieve in the next 5 years? Outline the future goals for your business within the next five years.
  • Provided as much info as possible about who your audience is (perfect client). Define your target audience or ideal customer profile.
  • Who are your top 3 competitors/alternatives? Identify the main competitors or alternatives in your industry
  • What do they do that you like and dislike? Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors
  • What is the one key area your solution excels above all else? Highlight the primary strength of your business solution
  • What do they do that you like and dislike? Analyze the strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
  • Provide 3-4 examples of websites that you like the appearance of and describe what you like about the appearance share websites you admire and explain the appealing aspects.
  • What characteristics would you like your audience to see in your brand (Eg. Bold, Conservative, Modern, Traditional etc.) Specify the brand attributes you want to convey
  • How will you judge whether the brand project will be successful? Define the criteria for measuring the success of the brand project.
  • Please provide any other insightful information we can use in the development of your brand. Offer additional details or insights beneficial for brand development.


2) Brand Strategy

We cover a LOT in this section.

Mission, vision, values and more.

Deep dive in to brand research to ensure foundations of brand are secure. We’ll dive in to competitor research, where your brand is today but where it’s trying to get to and positioning.


3) Brand Identity Creation

Only after going through the strategy section do we know who we're designing for!

We’re going to get in to the branding refresh by looking at some inspiration and then looking in to narrowing down the color palette, logo (and variations) typography and assets


4) Logo Development

Obviously, not all clients want a full brand identity overhaul if they are pleased with their current identity.

Once we have a clear idea of the brand identity, we can narrow down on the logo and logo variations so that there is a clear symbol representing your brand.

We love seeing our clients shine with pride with their new brand identity!


5) Brand Guidelines

We'll then combine both the brand strategy and brand identity in to one killer document for clients to move forward with.


6) SEO Research + Copy

SEO research is not something to be taken lightly. We do a deep dive using a tool called Clicks.So which our founder's brother, Jaume Ros, made. This helps us determine high value, low competition keywords. We actually have a real deep div article that goes in depth - "SEO For Startups: How To Grow Traffic To Your Startup Website (Free Resources Included),".


7) UI/UX Research

We’ll use Figma to map out the user journey and then start with lo-fi web design before doing the hi-fi design.


8) Lo-Fi Wireframe Creation

In the lo-fi wireframe process, we ensure that the client comments on the page to ensure collaboration throughout the process.


9) Hi-Fi Wireframe Creation

After we have done the lo-fi wireframe, we dive into hi-fi.


10) Development

Using Webflow, we’ll develop the website after it’s signed off in the design phase. This will include a fully responsive website and on-page SEO.


11) Testing & Launch

Before launch, we’ll go through rigorous testing before publishing the site.


12) Training

Before we let the client go off on their merry way in the world, we do comprehensive training to ensure they have confidence moving forward.

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Recap of Key Factors Influencing Cost

Design Complexity

  • Using templates vs. custom designs

Functionality Needs

  • Basic websites vs. eCommerce or integrated platforms

Number of Pages

  • Single page vs. multi-page layouts

Domain and Hosting

  • Webflow hosting plans
  • Cost of domain names



In conclusion, the decision to build a Webflow website, whether through DIY efforts or by hiring professionals, significantly influences the project's cost and outcome. The investment in a website goes beyond initial setup costs; it encompasses considerations for usability, brand alignment, and future scalability—elements crucial to your brand's digital presence. While navigating the landscape of site development costs, weighing the trade-offs between time, expertise, and quality becomes essential.

At Macu, we position our services to offer a balance of professional quality and financial accessibility, understanding that each business's needs and resources vary.

If you would be interested in learning more about our services, contact us here!


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