Webflow vs Squarespace: The 2024 Comprehensive Guide

In the realm of website building and design, two platforms have consistently stood out for their robust features, user-friendly interfaces, and flexibility in catering to a wide range of needs: Webflow and Squarespace. Rather than tell you one is better than the other, we would prefer to explain that it depends on the goals your trying to achieve, your skillset and price point. As we move into 2024, the competition between these platforms is fiercer than ever, presenting both seasoned developers and novices with a critical question: which platform is best suited for their specific requirements? This comprehensive guide aims to dissect the features, usability, pricing, and support options offered by Webflow and Squarespace, providing you with the insights needed to make an informed decision. Whether you're looking to build a simple portfolio, an e-commerce giant, or anything in between, join us as we explore what makes each platform unique and how they stack up against each other in the digital arena of 2024.

In this article, we'll discuss

  • Brief Overview Of Website Builders
  • Importance Of Choosing The Right Platform
  • Understanding Webflow
  • Understanding Squarespace
  • Ease Of Use
  • Design Flexibility And Customization
  • E-Commerce Capabilities
  • SEO And Marketing Tools
  • Pricing And Plans
  • Value For Money And Scalability Options
  • Community And Support
  • Pros And Cons Summary
  • Conclusion
  • Additional Resources]


Brief overview of website builders

Squarespace home page

In the digital age, website builders have emerged as essential tools for individuals and businesses aiming to establish an online presence. These platforms offer a simplified approach to website design and development, removing the need for complex coding skills. Users can choose from a variety of templates, drag-and-drop features, and customization options to create websites that cater to their specific needs. With the rise of e-commerce and digital marketing, the demand for easy-to-use, efficient website builders has significantly increased, leading to the development of numerous platforms, including Webflow and Squarespace. These platforms differ in terms of flexibility, design capabilities, and user experience, making it crucial for users to understand their unique features before making a choice.


Importance of choosing the right platform

Don' choose the wrong platorm and then have the headache of migrating it!

Choosing the right website builder is not just about selecting a platform; it's about picking the foundation upon which your digital presence will stand and grow. This decision can have long-term implications on your website's adaptability, functionality, and, importantly, the ability to attract and retain visitors. A well-chosen platform can save you time and resources, accommodating your business's evolving needs without requiring a complete overhaul. On the flip side, a poorly matched builder could limit your site's potential, affect its performance, and necessitate costly migrations down the line. Therefore, understanding the strengths, weaknesses, and unique offerings of platforms like Webflow and Squarespace is pivotal in crafting a digital experience that aligns with your objectives.


Understanding Webflow

Check out the Made In Webflow page to see types of sites built in the platform

Overview of Webflow as a platform

If you really want to get granular about Webflow as a platform, we recommend you check out our "What Is Webflow? Everything You Need To Know In 2024," article.

Webflow stands out as a comprehensive web design and hosting platform that emphasizes visual design, customization, and control. It caters primarily to designers and businesses looking for a more hands-on approach to website creation, offering a powerful visual editor that combines the simplicity of drag-and-drop with the sophistication of custom CSS, JavaScript, and HTML coding capabilities. This unique blend allows for the design of highly responsive, dynamic websites without the need for extensive coding knowledge. Webflow also offers a range of integrated tools for SEO, e-commerce, and content management, making it a versatile choice for full-scale website development and management. Its ability to export code makes it appealing for professional web developers who wish to start their designs in a visual interface but require the flexibility to fine-tune details outside the platform.

Key features and benefits

The key features and benefits of Webflow emphasize design flexibility and user empowerment:

  1. Visual Editor for Real-Time Design Control
  2. Responsive Design for Any Device
  3. Support for Complex Interactions and Animations
  4. Integrated E-commerce Tools
  5. Robust CMS Capabilities

Webflow sets itself apart by empowering designers to bring visions to life with precision and creativity, making it ideal for content-heavy websites and online businesses.

What's also rather incredible about Webflow is that it integrates with different tools to really elevate your project visually.


Potential drawbacks and limitations

Despite its many advantages, Webflow also has certain drawbacks and limitations that prospective users should consider. The platform's extensive range of features and customizations, while beneficial, can present a steep learning curve for beginners or those accustomed to simpler website builders. Pricing is another consideration, as Webflow's plans, especially those supporting advanced features and higher traffic volumes, might be cost-prohibitive for small businesses or individual freelancers on a tight budget.

Additionally, while the ability to export code is useful for developers wanting to fine-tune designs outside of Webflow, reliance on this feature may hinder less technically skilled users who seek full control but lack coding knowledge. Finally, while Webflow offers robust e-commerce and CMS capabilities, these may not be as comprehensive or customizable as platforms specifically dedicated to these functions, potentially limiting users with very specialized needs.


Understanding Squarespace

Check out the Made with Squarepace page to see the types of sites built in the platform

Overview of Squarespace as a platform

Squarespace emerges as a widely recognized platform known for its sleek templates, intuitive drag-and-drop interface, and concerted focus on aesthetic design. It appeals particularly to creative professionals, small business owners, and bloggers who prioritize visual impact and seek a seamless, all-in-one solution for website and e-commerce needs. The service simplifies online presence management by integrating website building, hosting, domain registration, and e-commerce capabilities into one cohesive package.

With its emphasis on design, Squarespace enables users to craft visually stunning, mobile-responsive websites without needing to code. Additionally, the platform offers a range of SEO tools, analytics, and customer support resources, making it a formidable choice for those looking to establish a strong online brand identity.

Key features and benefits

Squarespace stands out for its comprehensive set of features that cater to both novices and seasoned website creators. One of the platform’s most compelling attributes is its extensive library of professionally designed templates, which are responsive and customizable. This allows users to craft sites that look unique and remain functional across all devices.

User experience is further enhanced through Squarespace's intuitive drag-and-drop interface, enabling the effortless arrangement of content and images without the need for coding skills. For businesses looking to sell online, Squarespace provides robust e-commerce capabilities, including integration with various payment processors, inventory management, and secure checkout processes.

On the marketing front, built-in SEO tools, social media integrations, and detailed analytics help users optimize their sites, engage with audiences, and track performance in real time. Additionally, Squarespace offers 24/7 customer support through live chat and email, ensuring help is readily available when needed.

Potential drawbacks and limitations


While Squarespace offers a wide array of features and benefits, potential users should also be aware of its limitations. One noted drawback is the platform's pricing structure, which may be higher than other website builders, potentially posing a barrier for small businesses or individuals on a tight budget. Additionally, while Squarespace's templates are beautifully designed, the customization options can be somewhat limited compared to platforms that allow for deeper coding and personalization.

This may frustrate users who wish to implement very specific design elements or functionalities that are not supported by the default template settings. Furthermore, despite offering a range of SEO tools, some users find the platform’s SEO capabilities to be less advanced or customizable than those of its competitors, which could impact the site's visibility on search engines. Lastly, while Squarespace is renowned for its aesthetic appeal and ease of use, the learning curve for mastering its drag-and-drop editor and understanding how to fully leverage all the available features can be steep for beginners.


Ease of Use

Comparing the user interface and user experience on both platforms

When comparing the user interfaces of Webflow and Squarespace, both platforms offer compelling, yet distinct, experiences. Squarespace is known for its intuitive and user-friendly interface, making it a popular choice for those with limited technical skills or experience in web design. Its drag-and-drop feature, along with a visually appealing dashboard, allows users to easily construct and manage their websites.

On the other hand, Webflow provides a more detailed and granular control over website design, appealing to users with intermediate to advanced web development skills. It offers a powerful visual editor that mimics the complexity of traditional web design software, enabling a higher degree of customization at the expense of a steeper learning curve.

While it is a steeper learning curve generally, it must be noted that component libraries do make building with Webflow so much easier. In fact, Macu's CEO, Arnau Ros, has created his own component library. Check it out here:

In terms of user experience, Squarespace keeps it straightforward and efficient, guiding users through website creation with ease and simplicity. Webflow, while potentially overwhelming for beginners, offers a rewarding experience for those willing to invest time in learning its intricacies, presenting a platform where virtually any design vision can be brought to life without limitations.

Consequently, the choice between Squarespace and Webflow often boils down to the user's skill level and specific needs for website customization.

Accessibility for beginners vs. professional developers

Accessibility significantly diverges when comparing the experiences of beginners to those of professional developers on these platforms. Squarespace, with its user-centric design, prioritizes accessibility for beginners, offering a plethora of templates, pre-designed elements, and a helpful support system. This makes it an attractive option for users who lack coding knowledge but wish to create professional-looking websites efficiently. Meanwhile, Webflow's sophisticated toolset caters more to professional developers and designers, allowing them to exploit its robust capabilities for creating highly customized and dynamic websites. While Webflow does offer tutorials and documentation, the steep learning curve can be a barrier for novices. Thus, while Squarespace simplifies the web development process for beginners, Webflow opens a realm of possibilities for those with the expertise to navigate its complexities.


Design Flexibility and Customization


Analysis of design templates and customization options

In the realm of design flexibility and customization, Squarespace and Webflow diverge significantly. Squarespace, known for its visually appealing and responsive design templates, caters to users seeking to create sleek, professional-looking websites with minimal effort. The platform offers a curated selection of templates that can easily be customized to fit various branding needs, albeit within certain constraints to maintain the integrity of its design principles. On the other hand, Webflow stands out for its unparalleled customization capabilities. It grants users the freedom to start from a blank canvas or modify existing templates to an extensive degree, enabling the precise alignment of the website’s design with the user's vision. This high level of customization requires a deeper understanding of web design principles but rewards users with the ability to create unique, dynamic websites that stand out from the crowd. Consequently, while Squarespace provides a streamlined, user-friendly approach to website creation, Webflow offers a more complex yet rewarding canvas for those who prioritize customization and wish to push the boundaries of web design.

Comparison of creative freedom on Webflow vs Squarespace

When comparing the creative freedom offered by Webflow and Squarespace, the contrast is markedly clear. Webflow is akin to a vast playground for web designers, offering a broad range of tools and functionalities that cater to both novice designers and seasoned professionals. Its interface, though complex, provides an extensive array of design elements and interactions that can be customized down to minute details, offering the possibility to truly innovate in web design. In contrast, Squarespace maintains a more controlled environment. It prioritizes ease of use and simplicity, offering a range of beautifully designed templates that guarantee a high level of polish with far less effort. However, this simplicity comes at the cost of customization depth, as users are bound by the limitations of the chosen template. Thus, for those seeking to push the boundaries of design and tailor every aspect of their site, Webflow emerges as the superior platform. Meanwhile, Squarespace remains an attractive option for users who value efficiency, ease of use, and aesthetics, but are willing to compromise on the level of bespoke customization.


E-commerce Capabilities

Templates quick and easy to set up for e-commerce

Overview of e-commerce features on both platforms

When it comes to e-commerce capabilities, both Webflow and Squarespace present compelling options, though they cater to somewhat different needs. Webflow excels with its highly customizable e-commerce platform, allowing users to control every aspect of the shopping experience, from product displays to checkout processes. Its comprehensive set of tools enables the creation of unique online stores that can be finely tuned to meet specific business requirements. This level of control makes Webflow a standout choice for businesses seeking to implement intricate e-commerce strategies or those with a clear vision of their online store’s user experience.

On the other hand, Squarespace offers a more user-friendly approach, with e-commerce functionalities that are easier to set up and manage. Its e-commerce features are deeply integrated into its templates, ensuring an aesthetically pleasing online store without the need for extensive customization. Squarespace is an excellent choice for small businesses, artists, and entrepreneurs who desire a beautiful, functional online store without the complexity of a highly customizable platform. Additionally, it offers various integrations for payment processing, inventory management, and shipping, making it a robust option for those looking to quickly start an e-commerce venture with minimal fuss.

In essence, Webflow's e-commerce platform caters to those who prioritize customization and have specific requirements for their online store, while Squarespace is ideal for users who value ease of use, aesthetics, and a quicker setup process.

Comparison of payment gateways, product management, and sales tools

When it comes to payment gateways, Webflow supports a variety of options, allowing businesses to integrate their preferred payment processors such as Stripe, PayPal, and others directly into their e-commerce platform. This flexibility is crucial for businesses that operate internationally or cater to a diverse customer base with specific payment preferences. Furthermore, its robust product management system enables precise control over inventory, custom product fields, and automated digital product delivery, making it suitable for a wide range of e-commerce operations.

Squarespace, on the other hand, provides a more streamlined approach to payment gateways, primarily supporting Stripe, PayPal, and Square. This selection covers the needs of many small to medium-sized businesses, ensuring seamless payment transactions. Its product management capabilities, while not as extensive as Webflow's, offer an intuitive interface for managing products, inventory, and pricing, which is more than sufficient for the platform's target users. Additionally, Squarespace's built-in sales tools, including promotional pop-ups, coupon generation, and comprehensive sales analytics, provide a solid foundation for marketing and sales strategy execution.

Both platforms offer distinct advantages in terms of payment gateways, product management, and sales tools, each catering to different business needs and expertise levels. Webflow shines with its customization and control, ideal for businesses with specific requirements and a hands-on approach to e-commerce. Squarespace provides a balanced, user-friendly solution, focusing on simplicity, aesthetics, and efficiency, making it attractive to small businesses and individual entrepreneurs seeking an effective online presence with minimal technical overhead.


SEO and Marketing Tools

Webflow's SEO customisation is impressive - Webflow excels with its comprehensive SEO controls

Evaluation of SEO features and marketing tools

When assessing the SEO features and marketing tools available on Webflow and Squarespace, both platforms demonstrate strengths in supporting businesses to amplify their online visibility and reach. Webflow excels with its comprehensive SEO controls, allowing users to fine-tune meta titles, descriptions, and even redirect rules with ease. This level of detail provides businesses the flexibility to implement advanced SEO strategies effectively. Additionally, Webflow's ability to automatically generate sitemaps and its adherence to web standards ensures websites are easily indexed by search engines.

Squarespace keeps SEO practices straightforward yet effective, with automatic sitemap generation and built-in tools that guide users in optimizing page titles, descriptions, and URLs. Although it may lack the granular control found in Webflow, Squarespace compensates with user-friendly SEO settings and suggestions tailored to beginners, making it less daunting for those new to SEO.

Both platforms also offer a variety of marketing tools. Webflow integrates with a range of third-party marketing apps and services, offering flexibility in executing diverse digital marketing strategies. Squarespace, while providing a more limited selection of integrations, offers robust built-in marketing tools, such as email campaign services, social media integration, and analytics, designed to streamline marketing efforts directly from the platform.

In conclusion, while Webflow offers more in-depth customization options suited for those with SEO expertise or specific needs, Squarespace provides a solid, accessible foundation for businesses seeking to build and optimize their online presence efficiently. The choice between the two platforms should align with the business's size, technical proficiency, and specific SEO and marketing requirements.

Effectiveness of platforms in enhancing online visibility

In analyzing the effectiveness of Webflow and Squarespace in enhancing online visibility, it's clear that each platform caters to different aspects of the SEO and marketing spectrum. Webflow's extensive customization options appeal to those with a deeper understanding of SEO, providing the tools necessary to tailor every detail of a website to maximize search engine visibility. This granular control allows for sophisticated optimization strategies that can significantly impact a website's ranking and visibility online.

On the other hand, Squarespace's approach, while simpler, is designed to ensure that users with minimal SEO knowledge can still achieve good visibility. Its intuitive SEO guides and built-in tools remove much of the complexity involved in optimizing a site, making it easier for beginners to implement effective SEO practices. This accessibility is crucial for small businesses or individuals who may not have the resources to invest in advanced SEO consultancy but still wish to maintain a competitive online presence.

Ultimately, the effectiveness of either platform in enhancing online visibility heavily depends on the user's expertise, the nature of their website, and the depth of SEO strategies they wish to implement. Both Webflow and Squarespace have proven track records of helping websites rank well in search engine results pages (SERPs), but the choice between them should be informed by the specific needs and capabilities of the user or organization.


Pricing and Plans

We wrote a mega article all about Webflow pricing in a lot of detail called "Webflow Pricing (2024): The Ultimate Guide To Pricing, Plans & Features," so have a read of that if you want more in depth info.

When considering the cost of using Webflow versus Squarespace, several factors come into play, including the scale of your project, the features you need, and your technical expertise.

Webflow offers a tiered pricing structure that starts with a basic plan aimed at personal sites and goes up to comprehensive plans designed for larger businesses and eCommerce sites. The basic plan is free, but it limits the customization options and includes Webflow branding. Paid plans start at $12 per month when billed annually and offer more features, including site exports and removal of Webflow branding. For eCommerce capabilities, pricing starts at $29 per month, providing everything needed to launch and manage an online store.

Squarespace, on the other hand, simplifies its offerings into fewer tiers, making it easier for users to choose a plan that fits their needs without worrying about exceeding specific limits or needing upgrades for basic features. Pricing for Squarespace starts at $12 per month for personal use, with small business plans beginning at $18 per month. These prices reflect annual billing rates and include a free custom domain, SSL security, and unlimited bandwidth and storage. For users looking to operate online stores, Squarespace's eCommerce plans start at $26 per month, offering complete integration with various payment processors and no transaction fees.

In summary, while Webflow offers more customization and scalability, which may appeal to users with specific needs or larger projects, Squarespace provides a more straightforward and user-friendly experience at comparable price points. The choice between Webflow and Squarespace will largely depend on the user's requirements for customization, their technical proficiency, and their budget.

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Value for money and scalability options

When evaluating value for money and scalability options between Webflow and Squarespace, it's essential to consider the long-term goals of your website or eCommerce platform. Webflow's scalable infrastructure and customizability make it a standout choice for businesses aiming for growth and requiring unique features or integrations. Its pricing model, while initially seeming higher than Squarespace's, offers value in its ability to accommodate complex site designs and functionality without needing third-party services. On the contrary, Squarespace, with its straightforward pricing and inclusive features, provides excellent value for small businesses and individuals who prioritize ease of use and a quick setup process over customizability. Squarespace's lack of transaction fees on eCommerce plans and its all-in-one pricing approach ensure that businesses can scale without worrying about unexpected costs. Ultimately, the decision between Webflow and Squarespace for value and scalability should align with your project's complexity, growth expectations, and specific needs.


Community and Support

Analysis of community support, resources, and learning materials

When it comes to community support, resources, and learning materials, both Webflow and Squarespace have robust offerings that cater to their user bases. Webflow boasts a dynamic, engaged community of web designers, developers, and enthusiasts who frequently share knowledge, resources, and troubleshooting tips through forums, social media, and detailed tutorials. Additionally, Webflow University stands out as a comprehensive learning hub, offering a wide array of instructional videos, articles, and courses that cover everything from basic website creation to advanced interactions and integrations, all designed to help users maximize their use of the platform.

Squarespace, on the other hand, provides a well-structured support center that includes guides, video tutorials, and webinars tailored to help users at every skill level succeed. Furthermore, Squarespace's community forum allows users to exchange ideas, seek advice, and share best practices. While Squarespace's user community may not be as extensive or specialized as Webflow's, it offers sufficient resources and support for its target audience of creatives and small business owners who may not require the same level of technical depth.

Both platforms extend their support through customer service channels, including live chat and email, ensuring that users can access professional help when needed. The choice between Webflow and Squarespace in terms of community support and learning resources again boils down to the user's needs—whether they demand a deep, technical community and expansive educational content or prefer straightforward guides and tutorials for a quicker learning curve.

Availability and quality of customer support services

When assessing the availability and quality of customer support services, Webflow and Squarespace take slightly different approaches, each aiming to provide efficient assistance to their user bases. Webflow prides itself on a rich repository of online resources that empower users to find answers independently. However, when direct assistance is required, Webflow offers support through email, with a commitment to responding within 24-48 hours, depending on the issue's complexity and the user's subscription level. Their priority support feature, available for higher-tier plans, significantly reduces waiting time, offering a more immediate resolution to urgent issues.

Squarespace, in contrast, emphasizes its real-time support capabilities, particularly through live chat and 24/7 email support. This approach makes Squarespace particularly appealing to users who value immediate assistance or may work on their projects outside of standard business hours. The availability of live chat support during weekdays directly addresses user issues in real-time, providing quick solutions and guidance. Despite the absence of phone support, Squarespace's dedication to efficient, accessible customer service ensures users have a support pathway available to them whenever they need it, making it a strong contender in the realm of customer support in the website builder space.

Pros and Cons Summary

When it comes to Webflow, a significant advantage is its comprehensive online resources and customizable design capabilities, catering especially to users with a bit more technical expertise or those wishing to learn. The platform's prioritization of email support, supplemented by priority assistance for premium subscriptions, ensures detailed, though not always immediate, responses to queries. On the downside, the lack of real-time communication options could frustrate users in need of instant help, and the platform's advanced features may present a steep learning curve for beginners.

Squarespace shines with its user-friendly interface and strong emphasis on providing immediate real-time support through live chat and 24/7 email, making it an ideal choice for beginners or those who value quick assistance. The disadvantage, however, lies in the limited customization options when compared to Webflow, which might be a drawback for users looking to have meticulous control over their website's design and functionality.



Choosing between Webflow and Squarespace ultimately depends on your individual needs and expertise in website design. If you have some technical know-how and prioritize highly customizable designs, Webflow is an excellent choice, offering a wealth of features for tailoring your site to your exact requirements. On the other hand, if ease of use and accesible support are high on your list of priorities, Squarespace may be the better option, with its intuitive interface and strong customer service ensuring a smooth website-building experience. Both platforms have their merits, so your selection should align with what matters most for your project's success.

For beginners or those with limited technical skills, Squarespace is highly recommended. Its straightforward, drag-and-drop interface allows you to quickly build a professional-looking website without getting into the nitty-gritty of coding. Additionally, the platform’s extensive template library and comprehensive customer support make it a reliable choice for users who may need guidance throughout the process.

Intermediate users who desire a balance between ease of use and customization capabilities might find Squarespace sufficient for their needs as well. However, they could also explore Webflow as a viable option, especially if they are willing to invest some time in learning the platform's more advanced features. Webflow's visually intuitive interface, combined with its powerful customization tools, could be very appealing for users looking to create a more unique and tailored online presence.

For advanced users or those with a background in web design and development, Webflow is the superior choice. It offers unparalleled control over website design and functionality, supporting custom HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This freedom to customize can unlock almost limitless possibilities for website creation, making Webflow the go-to platform for professionals aiming to produce high-quality, bespoke websites that stand out from the crowd.

In conclusion, while Squarespace caters to users seeking simplicity and speed in web design, Webflow is aligned with those who require detailed control and customization. Your skill level and specific needs will heavily dictate which platform best suits your project.

Additional Resources

Squarespace Resources

For individuals eager to deepen their knowledge or troubleshoot specific issues, a wealth of resources is available online:

Webflow Resources

‍Webflow Tutorials and Learning Resources


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