How to decide if Webflow is right for you

On client calls, one of the most common questions we get asked is about the limitations of Webflow. Now, it's important to say that even though we are a Webflow specific agency, we are keen to explain what Webflow's strenghts and limitations are and guide clients in the right direction. And these limitations are critical factors for, in some cases, guiding clients away from Webflow to Shopify or another tool. Is Shopify bad and Webflow good? It's not as simple as that - it completely depends on the outcome you are trying to achieve. Let's dive in.


Quick Overview


Best Webflow Use Cases

Making CMS anything from CMS based websites to landing pages is insanely powerful on Webflow. Our client, Vouchsafe was built with Webflow and is agreat example of a Webflow usecase.
  • Custom Design Flexibility: Ideal for projects where unique, tailored designs are crucial. Webflow allows for extensive customisation without needing to dive deep into code.
  • Marketing Websites: Perfect for creating high-converting landing pages, blogs, and marketing sites with easy-to-use SEO tools and integrations.
  • Small to Medium E-commerce: Great for setting up and managing small to medium-sized online stores, especially if you need to blend design with functionality.
  • Portfolios: Excellent for artists, photographers, and designers to showcase their work beautifully and professionally.
  • Content Management: Offers a robust CMS that's user-friendly, making it easy to manage and update website content without needing technical expertise.
  • Prototyping: Beneficial for designers and developers to create interactive prototypes and gather feedback before full-scale development.
  • Animations and Interactions: Useful for sites that require interactive elements and animations to enhance user experience.
  • Web Apps: With the introduction of Wized, you can now use Webflow front end, Xano back-end to create web apps eg. travel companies with booking systems which need personalised log in portals for guests


Worst Webflow Use Cases

  • E-commerce Heavy Sites: While Webflow does support e-commerce, it's not as robust as platforms like Shopify for handling large and complex online stores.
  • Highly Customised Functionalities: If your site requires extensive custom coding or unique back-end functionalities, you might find Webflow's capabilities somewhat limiting.
  • Membership Sites: Building a site with intricate membership and subscription features can be challenging, as Webflow's support for such functionalities is limited compared to specialised platforms.
  • Budget Constraints: Webflow's pricing can add up, especially for businesses that need many of the advanced features or have to deal with significant traffic.


What is Webflow?

Ok, let's do a quick recap on what Webflow actually is and how it compares to other tools out there.

Webflow is a visual development tool. You don't design in Webflow. You develop in Webflow. It's an insanely powerful tool to create pixel-perfect designs in development without needing to know how to custom-code. You can literally build anything you can imagine using Webflow because it is insanely flexible. However, let's be clear - the learning curve to build in Webflow is steep. It's not like you just open Webflow and intuitively get it like you might with Wix and Squarespace.

So with tools like Wix and Squarespace, you choose a template depending on your style and industry and basically drag in pre-made elements and design and develop at the same time essentially. It's insanely fast and intuitive but the problem is you are limited to the pre-made elements available. You have limited design choices but customisability choices as a result too.


Webflow's Features (which other tools don't have!)

  • Webflow doesn't require plugins: Unlike WordPress, which is a major advantage. It includes built-in features for SEO and responsive design, streamlining development and reducing the risk of issues from outdated or conflicting plugins. This allows you to focus entirely on design and development.
  • Custom Code Integration: Unlike Wix and Squarespace, which are more limited in terms of custom coding, Webflow allows you to inject custom code at any point, giving you full control over the website's functionality and design.
  • CSS Grid and Flexbox: Webflow has advanced layout tools like CSS Grid and Flexbox built right into its visual designer, which you won't find in the same depth on platforms like Shopify or Squarespace.
  • CMS for Dynamic Content: While WordPress is known for its CMS, Webflow's CMS is incredibly user-friendly and integrated, allowing designers to create and manage dynamic content without needing backend expertise.
  • Animations and Interactions: Unlike Shopify and even Wix, Webflow offers robust animation and interaction tools that let you create sophisticated, bespoke animations without any coding.
  • Responsive Design Control: Webflow gives you the ability to control the design for different devices natively within the tool, something Wix and Squarespace offer to a lesser extent and usually with less precision.
  • SEO Tools: Webflow includes built-in SEO tools right in the platform, eliminating the need for third-party plugins that are often necessary with WordPress.
  • Hosting with Fast CDN: Webflow offers hosting with fast CDN automatically included, a feature that sets it apart from platforms like WordPress where you require separate hosting services and configurations.
  • Client Billing: Webflow allows designers to handle client billing directly through the platform, a feature not natively available in tools like Wix or Squarespace.


Which industries is Webflow for?

Webflow is incredibly versatile and serves a diverse range of industries.

High-profile clients like TED, Dropbox, The New York Times, and Upwork have all leveraged Webflow’s powerful capabilities to create stunning, functional websites.

TED uses Webflow to share thought-provoking talks and educational content with a global audience, ensuring their platform is as engaging and accessible as the speakers they feature.

Dropbox relies on Webflow for seamless user experience and dynamic content management. The New York Times taps into Webflow’s sophisticated design tools to present their award-winning journalism in a visually appealing manner.

Upwork, a leading freelancing platform, uses Webflow to manage a dynamic, responsive site that connects millions of freelancers and clients worldwide.

These examples highlight how Webflow is suited for industries ranging from education and tech to media and professional services, thanks to its flexibility, ease of use, and robust features.

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Who Webflow is designed for

While you might think Webflow is just for fancy animations, you can build web apps by combining Wized, Webflow and Xano. Check out this work by Produlis studio - a travel company combining Webflow front end with a Webflow back end!

Webflow is designed for a broad audience, including designers, developers, and entrepreneurs.

For designers, Webflow offers an intuitive, visual interface that allows for unparalleled creative freedom without needing to dive deep into coding. This means that although there is learning curve, if you have used Adobe software, Webflow is relatively intuitive in comparison to hard coding.

Developers, on the other hand, appreciate Webflow's ability to export clean, semantic code, making it easier to integrate with other systems and workflows. If you come from a development background, Webflow speeds up the process of creating a website seamlessly.

Entrepreneurs find Webflow particularly appealing due to its comprehensive suite of tools that streamline the process of building, launching, and maintaining a professional website. The aspect that entrpreneurs love is that Webflow helps them scale their business!


Can teams manage Webflow websites?

Absolutely, teams can effectively manage Webflow websites with ease. Webflow offers collaborative tools that allow multiple team members to work on a single project simultaneously.

This means designers, developers, and content creators can seamlessly contribute their expertise without stepping on each other's toes. With features like the Editor, content teams can make real-time updates directly on the live website, while designers and developers can access a robust suite of tools to tweak design elements and code.

Additionally, Webflow provides a convenient client handover process, making it simple for teams to transition website management to clients if needed. All these capabilities empower teams to create, manage, and maintain dynamic and impressive websites efficiently.


How easy is a Webflow website to manage?

Managing a Webflow website is a breeze, thanks to the intuitive client editor. The client editor is designed for simplicity, making it easy for anyone—even those without technical expertise—to update content and elements on their website.

You can quickly edit text, swap images, and adjust various components directly on the live site, all through a user-friendly interface.

Plus, changes are instant and can be made without the need to dive into complex backend systems. Whether you need to update a blog post, add a new product, or tweak some page details, the client editor empowers you to keep your site fresh and relevant with minimal effort.


Key features of the client editor in Webflow

The client editor in Webflow comes packed with several key features that make managing your website incredibly straightforward:

  1. ‍Visual Editor allows you to see changes in real-time, right on your live site. This means you can make text edits, swap out images, and even adjust links without any guesswork. ‍
  2. CMS Integration, which enables you to update dynamic content, like blog posts and product listings, effortlessly. ‍
  3. Inline Editing capability, which lets you click directly on any element you want to change, making the process feel intuitive and natural. ‍
  4. Collaborative Editing tools are a game-changer, allowing multiple users to work on the website simultaneously without stepping on each other’s toes. ‍
  5. Roles and Permissions settings provide control over who can do what, ensuring that only authorized individuals can make significant changes. All these features combine to make the client editor in Webflow a powerful yet easy-to-use tool for managing your website.


Scalability with Webflow

So, you might be wondering, does Webflow allow scalability? Absolutely! If your business is experiencing rapid growth, Webflow’s features are designed to support your scaling needs seamlessly. With its robust CMS, you can manage thousands of dynamic content pieces like blog posts, products, or customer testimonials without breaking a sweat. Plus, Webflow’s hosting infrastructure is top-notch, ensuring your site stays lightning-fast even as traffic spikes.

Another game-changing aspect is the Webflow App Marketplace. It offers a plethora of third-party integrations and plugins that can add increased functionality to your website. Whether you need advanced analytics, e-commerce enhancements, or marketing tools, there’s likely an app for that. This flexibility means you can continue to grow and adapt your site’s capabilities as your business evolves, all while keeping everything running smoothly and efficiently.


How to work out what your website goals are

So, you are clearly reading this article because you are either making a new website or thinking about migrating your website from another platform to Webflow.

We actually do a personalised website audit video to help advise you with this process so simply fill out this form here!

Give Me A Free Website Audit


FAQs about Webflow

Why should I choose Webflow for my rapidly growing startup?

Well, let me tell you, Webflow is like a dream come true for fast-growing startups. It combines the power of a robust CMS with the flexibility and scalability you need when you're scaling quickly. Plus, it allows your marketing team to make changes on the go without waiting on developers, which means quicker iterations and faster go-to-market strategies.


Can Webflow handle heavy traffic and large amounts of content?

Absolutely! One of Webflow’s strongest suits is its ability to handle massive amounts of content and traffic. Thanks to its powerful hosting infrastructure, your site remains snappy and responsive even when traffic spikes. Whether you’re publishing thousands of blog posts or launching a major product line, Webflow has got you covered.


Are there integrations available for marketing and analytics?

Yes, definitely. The Webflow App Marketplace is filled with an array of integrations and plugins tailored for marketing and analytics. Tools like advanced analytics, A/B testing, email marketing, and CRM integrations can be seamlessly added to your website. This means your marketing team has all the tools they need to track performance and optimize campaigns, right at their fingertips.


How easy is it for my marketing team to use Webflow?

Webflow is incredibly user-friendly, designed with marketers in mind. The intuitive client editor allows your team to easily update content, images, and even make design tweaks without touching a single line of code. This makes it super convenient for making quick updates or experimenting with new ideas on the fly.


What about e-commerce capabilities?

Webflow also excels in the e-commerce department. If your startup is looking to sell products online, Webflow’s e-commerce platform offers customizable shopping experiences, secure payment gateways, and powerful inventory management tools. It's a great way to scale your online store without running into the limitations you might find on other platforms. Plus, with its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, your team can easily manage and update your online store without any technical knowledge.  So whether you're a small boutique or a large retail operation, Webflow has the flexibility to meet your e-commerce needs.


Are there any additional benefits for my business?

Absolutely! In addition to its user-friendly interface and powerful features, Webflow also offers reliable and secure hosting for your website. This means you don't have to worry about managing servers or dealing with technical issues, allowing your team to focus on creating a stunning online presence for your business.

Moreover, Webflow has a strong community of designers and developers who are constantly creating new templates, integrations, and tutorials to help you get the most out of the platform. You can also easily collaborate with your team and clients on projects, making it a great tool for agency work.

But perhaps one of the biggest benefits of using Webflow is its SEO capabilities. With built-in SEO tools and the ability to customize meta titles, descriptions, and URLs, your website can rank higher in search engine results and drive more organic traffic to your online store.

With all these benefits and more, it's no wonder that Webflow is a top choice for businesses looking to sell products online. So why not give it a try and see how it can elevate your e-commerce game? Your customers will thank you for the seamless shopping experience and your business will thrive with this powerful platform on your side.



Webflow is our platform of choice for a diverse array of use cases. Like we mentioned, complex e-commerce stores should stay away from Webflow (unless they want to use a plug-in like Shopyflow to have a Webflow front end and Shopify backend) but very few other use cases can't be dealt with using Webflow. If you're a business owner looking to scale and your website is proving a headache, migrating to Webflow could be an incredibly powerful option for you to explore


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