Wix vs Webflow: Which One Wins the Website War in 2024?


Choosing the right website builder is a pivotal decision that can significantly influence the success of any online business or personal brand. This sounds a bit dramatic but it really does affect not just the user's experience on your website but also your businesses systems and processes to allow you to run your website effectively and do what you want with it effortlessly.

A website is often the first point of contact between a brand and potential consumers, making it crucial to create an impression that is both lasting and positive. The right website builder not only simplifies the design and development process but also ensures the website is responsive, user-friendly, and capable of scaling as the business grows. In an era where digital presence is synonymous with brand identity, selecting a website builder that aligns with one’s technical skills, aesthetic sensibilities, and functional requirements is paramount.

In 2024, Wix and Webflow are two of the frontrunners in the website builder landscape, each boasting unique features catering to diverse user needs. Wix, renowned for its intuitive drag-and-drop interface, empowers users with little to no coding knowledge to create visually appealing websites with ease. It offers a plethora of customizable templates along with a wide range of plugins for extending functionality, making it an ideal choice for small businesses and personal projects.

On the other hand, Webflow represents the nexus of design and development, offering more granular control over website design and interactions. It appeals to designers and developers alike, providing the tools to visually build responsive websites with intricacy, thus making it a go-to for professionals aiming for high levels of customization and scalability. In the battle for digital dominance, understanding the distinct advantages and potential limitations of Wix and Webflow is essential for selecting the right platform to bring one’s digital vision to life.

Now, it's important to say at this point that we are a Webflow focussed agency - all our client projects include us either building a company's website from scratch or migrating a website from another platform. However, there are particular use cases where we think Wix is in fact the better option and where we point potential clients to other Wix focussed agencies.

Wix Overview

Wix stands out as a user-friendly website builder designed to simplify the web creation process for users of all skill levels. Launched in 2006, it has evolved into a powerful platform that enables users to craft professional-looking websites without the need to learn coding.

With its drag-and-drop functionality, an extensive library of templates, and a wide array of features ranging from e-commerce solutions to SEO tools, Wix provides everything needed to create a dynamic online presence. Its intuitive interface and the flexibility to customize layouts allow individuals and small businesses alike to launch their websites with minimal effort, making Wix a popular choice in the website builder market.

Key features that make Wix stand out

Wix differentiates itself with several key features that cater to a broad spectrum of users, from novices to seasoned web developers.

Firstly, the platform boasts an extensive selection of professionally designed templates across various categories, ensuring users can find a design that perfectly matches their vision.

Another pivotal feature is its powerful drag-and-drop editor, which simplifies the process of website customization, allowing users to place elements anywhere on their web pages without any coding requirement.

Additionally, Wix offers a comprehensive App Market, providing access to numerous apps and services that can enhance website functionality, ranging from social media integration to advanced e-commerce solutions.

Wix's ADI (Artificial Design Intelligence) tool also stands out by enabling beginners to automatically generate a customized website based on their preferences and content, making the initial setup process effortlessly straightforward.

Lastly, Wix provides robust SEO tools that guide users in optimizing their sites for search engines, a crucial aspect for increasing online visibility. These features collectively contribute to Wix's reputation as a versatile and accessible website builder.

Wix Pricing and plans

Wix offers a variety of pricing plans to cater to different needs, from personal projects to comprehensive business solutions. The plans are structured to offer flexibility and value to users at every level.

  • Free Plan: Wix's free plan allows users to create a website at no cost, providing access to most of the platform's basic features. However, websites on the free plan display Wix ads and use Wix domain names.
  • Combo Plan: Designed for personal use, the Combo plan starts at $14 per month and allows for the removal of Wix ads, a free domain for 1 year, and 2GB bandwidth.
  • Unlimited Plan: Priced at $18 per month, this plan is ideal for freelancers and entrepreneurs, offering 10GB of bandwidth and unlimited storage, along with $300 in advertisement vouchers.
  • Pro Plan: At $23 per month, the Pro plan caters to complete online branding by offering 20GB of bandwidth, professional logo, and social media logo files.
  • VIP Plan: The VIP plan, at $39 per month, provides all the benefits of the Pro plan with the addition of priority customer support.
  • Business & Ecommerce Plans: Starting at $23 per month and scaling up to $49 per month for the Business VIP plan, these are tailored for online stores and businesses, offering features like secure online payments, customer accounts, and custom ecommerce functionalities.

Each plan is billed annually to offer users the best value, and Wix frequently updates its package features and pricing to remain competitive and accommodate user feedback and market trends.

Pros of Using Wix

  • Ease of Use: Wix offers a highly intuitive and user-friendly drag-and-drop interface, making website creation accessible to individuals without technical skills.
  • Extensive Template Collection: With hundreds of customizable templates, users can easily find a design that suits their style or industry needs.
  • Versatile Functionality: Whether you're creating a simple blog or a complex ecommerce platform, Wix supports a wide range of functionalities.
  • Regular Updates and New Features: Wix continuously improves its platform by adding new features and staying up-to-date with web design trends.
  • Comprehensive Support: Extensive knowledge base, dedicated support team, and active community forums provide users with the assistance they need.

Cons of Using Wix

  • Limited Flexibility for Advanced Users: While great for beginners, web developers and designers might find Wix’s platform constraining due to its template-based system.
  • Site Speed: Some users report slower loading times, which can affect user experience and SEO.
  • Customization Limitations: While Wix offers broad customization options, there are limitations when compared to building a website from scratch or using more flexible platforms.
  • Ads on the Free Plan: Websites on the free plan display Wix ads, which may detract from the site’s professional appearance.

Webflow Overview

Webflow represents a dynamic, powerful tool for web design and development, offering a unique blend of visual editing and full control over HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

It caters to both designers and developers by allowing the creation of responsive websites without the need for coding, while also providing the option to write custom code for more complex functionalities.

Unlike traditional website builders, Webflow aims to deliver a more sophisticated level of design precision and flexibility, making it an ideal choice for professionals seeking to craft custom, high-quality websites.

We wrote an in-depth article entitled "What Is Webflow? Everything You Need To Know In 2024," which goes more in depth in to features and benefits but just know that we use Webflow exclusively for our agency projects!

Key features that set Webflow apart

  • Visual Coding Interface: Webflow combines the simplicity of visual editing with the power of coding, providing a unique interface that translates design choices into clean, semantic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • CMS and E-commerce Integration: Offers built-in content management and e-commerce platforms, allowing users to design, build, and launch dynamic, commerce-driven websites directly from the Webflow interface.
  • Responsive Design Capabilities: Enables designers to create truly responsive websites with a visual toolkit, allowing for precise control over how sites look on devices of all sizes.
  • Rich Animation and Interactions: Allows for the creation of complex animations and interactions without writing a single line of code, making websites more engaging and interactive.
  • Hosting and Security: Provides fast, secure hosting powered by Amazon Web Services and includes SSL certificates at no extra charge, ensuring that websites are fast, reliable, and secure.
  • Collaboration Tools: Webflow offers team plans that facilitate collaboration between team members, allowing for smooth workflow and efficient management of website creation projects.
  • Pricing and plans

I've already mentioned this but holy smokes we go deep in to the features and benefits on Webflow here: "What Is Webflow? Everything You Need To Know In 2024,"

Webflow Pricing Plan

Webflow offers a variety of pricing plans tailored to meet the needs of individuals and teams, ranging from basic plans for simple sites to advanced plans for full-scale businesses and agencies.

  • Starter Plan: This is a free plan designed for beginners, offering all the basic functionalities of Webflow. It's perfect for personal projects and small-scale designs.
  • Site Plans: Focused on hosting for individual sites, with tiers including Basic, CMS, and Business plans. Prices start at $12/month when billed annually, scaling up based on the features and site traffic.
  • Account Plans: Ideal for freelancers and agencies that manage multiple projects, with options including the Lite, Pro, and Team plans. The Lite plan starts at $16/month with annual billing, offering more extensive project limits and code export options.
  • Enterprise Solutions: Custom pricing plans are available for large organizations requiring advanced security, support, and collaboration features on a large scale.

Each plan is designed with specific users in mind, ensuring that whether you're a hobbyist, freelancer, small business, or large corporation, there's a Webflow plan that fits your web design and hosting needs perfectly.

We wrote an in-depth article entitled "Webflow Pricing (2024): The Ultimate Guide To Pricing, Plans & Feature," which goes more in depth in to Webflow pricing.

Pros of Using Webflow

  • Intuitive Visual Editor: Webflow's visual editor allows users to design websites without needing to write code, making web design more accessible to non-developers.
  • Responsive Design: Built-in tools make it easy to ensure websites are mobile-friendly and look great on any device.
  • SEO Tools: Webflow includes SEO tools to help optimize websites for search engines directly from the editor, without needing third-party plugins.
  • Hosting Reliability: High-performance hosting ensures websites load quickly and function smoothly, providing a better user experience.
  • Extensive Integrations: Webflow supports a wide range of integrations, enabling users to add functionalities like e-commerce, analytics, and more.

Cons of Using Webflow

  • Learning Curve: The platform can be overwhelming for beginners, with its advanced features requiring time to master.
  • Pricing: While Webflow offers a free tier, scaling up a project or accessing more advanced features requires moving to paid plans which can be expensive for some users.
  • Limited Template Customization: Some users find the customization options for templates to be limited compared to building a site from scratch.
  • Export Restrictions: While Webflow allows for code export, there are limitations, making it challenging to move a site away from Webflow without losing some functionality.
  • Customer Support: Some users have reported that customer support can be slow, especially on lower-tier plans.

Comparing Wix and Webflow

User Interface and Experience

When comparing the user interfaces of Wix and Webflow, it's evident that both platforms cater to different levels of user experience and needs. Wix is known for its intuitive drag-and-drop editor, making it exceptionally user-friendly for beginners without any web design or coding experience. Its interface is straightforward, enabling users to select, move, and edit elements easily on their web pages.

Webflow interface is more technical - for those more familiar with the Adobe suite, it may be more intuitive

On the other hand, Webflow offers a more complex interface designed to provide greater control and flexibility in web design. While this complexity translates to a steeper learning curve, it rewards users with the ability to implement more intricate designs and functionalities, akin to what professional web developers might achieve. Therefore, for users seeking simplicity and ease of use, Wix may be the preferred choice. In contrast, Webflow is better suited for those looking to dig deeper into web design possibilities, provided they are willing to invest the time to learn.

Ease of use for beginners vs. professionals

The difference in ease of use between Wix and Webflow is most evident when considering the skill levels of their primary users.

For beginners, Wix's user-friendly environment is a haven, where the complexities of web design are simplified to intuitive clicks and drags. This platform demystifies the process of website creation, making it accessible to users with minimal to no coding knowledge. Conversely, Webflow's sophisticated platform caters to a more professional demographic.

It assumes a fundamental understanding of web design principles and coding, offering detailed control over CSS, HTML, and JavaScript. This steepens its learning curve but also opens up a broader range of customization and functionality that professionals desire. Thus, while beginners may find Wix more accommodating, professionals and those willing to climb the learning curve might prefer the depth and flexibility Webflow provides.

Customization Capabilities

The customization capabilities of Wix and Webflow significantly diverge due to their distinct user interfaces and functional frameworks. Wix, with its drag-and-drop builder, allows users to visually manipulate elements with ease, but this convenience comes at the cost of customization depth. Users are somewhat limited to the templates and widgets provided by Wix, restricting the possibility to create a truly unique web presence.

On the other hand, Webflow's approach grants users full control over their site's design and structure, thanks to its comprehensive web development tools. This enables the creation of custom animations, interactions, and responsive layouts that are tailored to the precise needs and brand identity of the user. While novice users may find these options overwhelming, for design professionals and those with a keen interest in web development, Webflow's extensive customization capabilities are a powerful asset, enabling the realization of sophisticated, custom websites without the need for traditional coding.

How each platform accommodates creativity and custom designs

When it comes to nurturing creativity and accommodating custom designs, both Wix and Webflow offer unique approaches tailored to their respective user bases. Wix simplifies the design process, enabling users with minimal technical experience to bring their creative visions to life. Through its intuitive interface and a wide selection of templates and design elements, users can craft aesthetically pleasing websites without having to understand the intricacies of web development. This opens up web design to a broader audience, making it possible for entrepreneurs, artists, and hobbyists to establish an online presence that resonates with their personal or brand identity.

Webflow, in contrast, caters more to design professionals and enthusiasts who seek a higher degree of control and customization. It provides a blank canvas approach, combined with the tools necessary to implement complex designs and animations that would typically require coding knowledge. This platform encourages experimentation and pushes the boundaries of web design, allowing advanced users to prototype and execute highly customized and intricate websites. The result is a platform that not only accommodates but also elevates creative designs by offering the flexibility necessary for innovation and brand differentiation.

Performance and SEO

In today's digital landscape, performance and search engine optimization (SEO) are critical for ensuring a website's success. Both Wix and Webflow recognize the importance of these aspects and have built-in features to optimize website speed, responsiveness, and searchability. Wix offers a straightforward approach, with automatic site optimization for mobile devices and an array of SEO tools that guide users through the process of enhancing their site's visibility on search engines. This includes customizable meta tags, URLs, and the ability to add alt text to images, making it easier for search engines to index and rank the site.

Webflow, on the other hand, provides a more granular level of control over SEO settings and site performance. Users can manually adjust their site's code for speed optimizations and have access to advanced SEO tools that allow for detailed customization of meta tags, redirects, and sitemaps. This level of control is particularly beneficial for professionals or businesses with specific performance and SEO goals, ensuring that their site not only looks exceptional but also ranks well in search engine results.

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Comparison of site speed and search engine optimization features

When comparing site speed and SEO features between Wix and Webflow, several key differences emerge that cater to varying user needs and technical proficiencies. Wix simplifies the process, making site optimization accessible to beginners without extensive technical knowledge. It automates several functions to ensure that websites perform well across different devices, which is crucial for maintaining user engagement and improving SEO rankings. On the SEO front, Wix's guided approach helps users implement essential practices without overwhelming them with options.

Conversely, Webflow caters to users with a more technical background or those willing to invest time in learning how to maximize their site's performance manually. It offers detailed control over website code, allowing for precise optimization that can lead to faster loading times and a smoother user experience. This meticulous customization extends to its SEO tools, granting users the ability to fine-tune their site to meet specific visibility goals. This advanced control can translate to better search engine rankings, though it requires a deeper understanding of SEO best practices and performance optimization techniques.

Choosing between Wix and Webflow will depend on the user's familiarity with SEO strategies and their willingness to engage with the intricacies of website optimization. Wix is the go-to for ease and efficiency, while Webflow is best suited for those seeking to leverage a higher degree of control for potentially superior website performance and search engine visibility.

E-commerce Features

E-commerce functionality stands as a pivotal element for businesses aiming to operate digitally. Wix and Webflow offer distinctive approaches to integrating e-commerce capabilities into websites, catering to different levels of user experience and customization needs. Wix provides an intuitive platform for setting up an online store, focusing on user-friendliness. It features a selection of templates specifically designed for e-commerce, making the process of adding product listings, payment options, and customer reviews seamless. Additionally, Wix facilitates the management of inventory and shipping, simplifying the operational aspects of running an e-commerce business.

In contrast, Webflow's approach to e-commerce is highly customizable, appealing to users who prioritize detailed control over their online store's design and functionality. It allows for a deeper level of customization in the shopping experience, from unique product page layouts to custom checkout processes, offering the flexibility to craft a distinctive brand identity. This customization does require a greater investment of time and possibly a deeper technical understanding but can result in a more tailored e-commerce experience that stands out in a crowded digital marketplace.

Overview of online selling capabilities on both platforms

In summary, the online selling capabilities of both Wix and Webflow cater to a broad spectrum of e-commerce needs, ranging from novice sellers to experienced designers seeking a unique digital storefront. Wix excels in providing a straightforward, user-friendly platform that enables quick setup and easy management of an online store, making it ideal for small to medium-sized businesses or individuals looking to venture into the digital marketplace with minimal hassle. Its array of pre-designed templates and integrated features simplifies the process of launching and running an e-commerce site.

On the other hand, Webflow offers a more robust and flexible platform for those desiring a higher level of customization and control over their online store’s appearance and functionality. It is particularly suited to entrepreneurs and businesses with specific branding needs and those who wish to differentiate their online presence through a custom design and user experience. While it may require a steeper learning curve and more time investment, the potential payoff in brand distinction and customer engagement could be significant.

Both platforms, therefore, present viable options for selling online, making the choice between Wix and Webflow a matter of aligning platform capabilities with business requirements, technical proficiency, and the desired level of control over the e-commerce experience.

Support and Community

Wix has a great video resources to learn but a lot drier than Webflow University which is surprisingly funny

When it comes to the level of support and community engagement, both Wix and Webflow offer substantial resources to aid users in their website creation and management endeavors. Wix provides 24/7 customer support through various channels, including phone, email, and live chat, ensuring users can receive assistance whenever needed. Additionally, Wix hosts a vast online community forum where users can connect, share insights, and seek advice from fellow Wix website creators. This community-driven support can be invaluable for troubleshooting, learning new tips and tricks, and staying updated on the latest Wix features and updates.

Webflow, on the other hand, prides itself on its comprehensive knowledge base, Webflow University, which offers an extensive selection of tutorials, video courses, and how-to guides catering to both beginners and experienced users. While direct support options such as email and live chat are available, the emphasis is on empowering users to learn and solve issues independently.

Furthermore, Webflow's passionate user community frequently organizes events, workshops, and forums, providing a platform for collaboration, networking, and sharing creative solutions within the Webflow ecosystem.

The choice between Wix and Webflow might therefore also hinge on the type of support and community engagement a user values. Those looking for hands-on, immediate support may lean towards Wix, while users who prefer self-learning with the option to connect with a vibrant, creative community might find Webflow more appealing.

Comparison of the support options and user communities

When comparing the support options and user communities between Wix and Webflow, it’s evident that each platform has tailored their resources to suit distinct user preferences and needs. Wix’s emphasis on 24/7 direct support caters to users seeking immediate assistance and a high level of hands-on support. Its community forum further enhances the support ecosystem, providing a platform for peer-to-peer help and networking. Webflow, conversely, focuses on fostering a culture of self-learning and independence, backed by a rich library of instructional content at Webflow University. Although it offers direct support channels, the spotlight is on enabling users to troubleshoot and learn at their own pace. Webflow's vibrant community, accentuated by events and workshops, appeals to those looking for inspiration and collaboration within a creatively driven environment. This dichotomy of support and community engagement underlines the importance of aligning platform choice with individual or organizational learning styles and support preferences.

Use Cases and Recommendations

We chose Webflow to create the Styx website because the website was CMS heavy with multiple different fields, had lots of subtle animations and integrations with other platforms

It really comes down to your needs.

Wix is the go-to platform for individuals and businesses seeking user-friendly website creation tools without the need for extensive coding knowledge. It is particularly well-suited for small to medium enterprises, artists, and bloggers who prioritize ease of use and rapid deployment over customization depth. Its drag-and-drop interface provides a straightforward path to building stunning websites that can be quickly launched to establish or enhance an online presence. Furthermore, Wix is ideal for those requiring robust customer support, with its promise of 24/7 assistance ensuring users have help readily available whenever needed. This platform is also a great choice for users who appreciate having a wealth of design templates to kickstart their site creation process.

Webflow is particularly suited for web designers and developers who desire a balance between comprehensive customization capabilities and ease of use. It excels in scenarios where the intricacy of design and the need for unique, responsive websites are paramount. This makes it an ideal choice for freelance web designers, agencies, and businesses that aim to push the boundaries of web design without steep learning curves associated with coding from scratch. Additionally, Webflow is favorable for those who prioritize educational resources and community support over direct customer service, benefiting users who prefer self-directed learning and problem-solving. Its ability to export code also makes Webflow a versatile tool for developers looking to fine-tune their projects outside the platform or integrate with other systems, offering a flexible solution for a wide range of website creation needs.

Tips for making your choice based on your specific needs

When deciding between Wix and Webflow, consider your specific website creation needs to guide your choice effectively. If you value ease of use and want to quickly get a website up and running without much concern for highly bespoke design elements, then Wix might be your go-to platform. Its user-friendly interface and extensive template library will serve well in achieving a professional look with minimal effort.

On the other hand, if your project demands unique design solutions and you have either the expertise or the willingness to learn more nuanced web development concepts, Webflow is likely the better choice. Its superior customization options and ability to export code afford a greater degree of flexibility for detailed, responsive designs. Ultimately, your decision should align with your project's scope, your technical proficiency, and the level of design specificity you aim to achieve.


Webflow is superior for our client needs - we're all in on Webflow!

In summary, the decision between Wix and Webflow hinges on your unique website creation requirements. Wix stands out for its ease of use, making it ideal for beginners or those seeking to quickly develop a professional website without needing deep customization. Its extensive template library enables rapid deployment with visually appealing designs.

Conversely, Webflow caters to users with a need for detailed customization and those willing to scale the learning curve associated with its advanced features. It provides a more hands-on approach for bespoke design elements and grants the ability to export code, thus offering flexibility for further development and integration. When choosing between the two, consider factors such as ease of use, template availability, customization needs, and your technical expertise to align the platform with your project requirements effectively.

The trajectory of website building platforms seems promising, with a clear trend towards democratizing web design and development. Given the advancements in AI and machine learning, it's plausible that future iterations of tools like Wix and Webflow will offer even more intuitive interfaces, capable of generating sophisticated designs from simple user inputs.

This could significantly lower the barrier to entry for web design, making it accessible to anyone with a creative vision, irrespective of their technical background. Furthermore, integration with emerging technologies such as AR and VR, and a greater focus on sustainability in web design practices, could shape the next generation of website building platforms, making them not just tools for creating websites but platforms for immersive, environmentally conscious online experiences. Thus, as technology evolves, so too will the capabilities and features of website building platforms, catering to the ever-expanding needs of users and industries.

The Future of Webflow

At this year’s Webflow conf event, Webflow announced and launched new product features and capabilities to supercharge your businesses’ full potential:

  • Increasing what you can build with native 3D integrations with Spline and new localization capabilities.
  • Style with unprecedented control with modern and scalable design systems.
  • Expanding the ecosystem to unlock new functionalities with Webflow Apps, as well as provide a platform for developers to build on.
  • Improving collaboration to help teams of all sizes build better together with dedicated workflows for commenting, editing, and publishing.

So much more to come...

Final verdict on which platform wins the website war in 2024

Determining the outright winner in the website platform battle of 2024 is challenging due to the dynamic and evolving nature of the digital landscape. However, considering the trajectory of current trends and advancements, Webflow emerges with a slight edge over Wix for users seeking deep customization and control. Webflow's emphasis on bespoke design capabilities, coupled with its robust CMS features and the ability to export code, positions it as the go-to choice for professionals and businesses aiming for a unique digital footprint without sacrificing the power of advanced web functionalities. Nevertheless, Wix continues to hold significant appeal for those prioritizing ease of use, a vast array of templates, and a straightforward approach to website building with minimal learning curve. Ultimately, the choice between Webflow and Wix will hinge on the specific needs, technical proficiency, and long-term digital strategy of the user, making the "war" more of a testament to how varied and user-centric the web development ecosystem has become.

How to Migrate Your Website from Wix to Webflow

Migrating your website from Wix to Webflow can seem like a daunting task at first glance, but with the right approach, it can be a seamless transition that unlocks a higher tier of design flexibility and control. If you've concluded that your current Wix website isn't fully catering to your needs or ambitions and you're yearning for the customization and professional features that Webflow offers, you're on the right path. Transitioning to Webflow means you're ready to take your online presence to the next level, leveraging powerful design tools and sophisticated interactions that go beyond the basics.

Here's how you carry out the migration process:

  1. Audit Your Current Wix Website:
  • Identify all pages, elements, and functionality to be replicated in Webflow.
  1. Set Up Your Webflow Account:
  • Create a Webflow account and get familiar with its interface and capabilities.
  1. Recreate Site Structure in Webflow:
  • Manually recreate the site structure in Webflow, focusing on design, layout, and responsive settings.
  1. Copy Content and Upload Media:
  • Copy and paste text manually, and download then re-upload images and media assets to Webflow.
  1. Refine Content for SEO:
  • Take the opportunity to refine or update content for SEO and user experience enhancements.
  1. Address E-commerce Data Migration:
  • Pay special attention to migrating product information, customer data, and historical transactions for e-commerce sites.
  1. Redirect Your Domain:
  • Update DNS settings to point your domain to Webflow.
  • Implement 301 redirects for any URL changes to maintain SEO value and prevent broken links.
  1. Embrace the Transition:
  • Embrace the potential of Webflow's advanced design capabilities and robust CMS for a more sophisticated online presence.

Need help with this process? Book a call with us today to discuss how we can help!

Extra Resources

  1. Webflow vs. Wix Comparison by WebsiteToolTester: Read the comparison
  2. In-depth Analysis on Webflow University: Explore Webflow's capabilities
  3. Wix to Webflow: A Comprehensive Guide by Webflow Blog: Read the guide
  4. CMS Comparison: Wix vs. Webflow by CMS Critic: Check the comparison
  5. User Reviews and Ratings on G2: Wix Wix Reviews vs. Webflow Webflow Reviews

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