Webflow or WordPress: The 2024 Ultimate Guide to Picking the Perfect Platform for Your Needs

So, you're in the weeds of trying to decide which website platform to use. Maybe you are about to build a new website from scratch but, if you're reading this article, it's more likely that you already have a website and are looking to migrate it. You've gone through all the other options and have come to realise Wordpress and Webflow are the most solid options for your particular use case. And rightly so. Wordpress is the old guard, the dominant leader, that rather unsexy but reliable favourite jumper your dad has. Webflow is new kid on the block, constantly shipping and known for being designer orientated but also an increasingly fierce competitor.

Just to be clear, we've built, edited and managed websites of both Webflow and Wordpress. But stay until the end if you want to know why we only choose to build with Webflow...

In this article, we'll discuss:

Why does choosing the right platform matter?

  • What is Webflow?
  • What is Wordpress?
  • Wordpress vs webflow at a glance?
  • Ease Of Use
  • Design & Flexibility
  • E-commerce Capabilities
  • Pricing
  • Community & Support
  • Conclusion

Alright, let's go!


Why Does Choosing the Right Website Platform Matter?

The Story of John

Let the story of John give you fair warning...

A determined entrepreneur who launched his boutique online store on a popular but basic website builder. At first, it seemed to check all the boxes: easy to use, low startup cost, and decent design options. However, as his business grew, so did his website's needs. The limitations of the platform became glaringly evident—insufficient SEO tools, lack of customization, and poor e-commerce functionality.

Reluctantly, John realized he had outgrown his current platform and needed a more robust solution. Migrating to a new platform proved to be both stressful and expensive. He had to hire specialists for a smooth transition, redesign the site, and lost significant SEO ranking during the process, taking months to recover. This situation highlights the importance of foresight when choosing a website platform. It's not just about the present but also about future needs. Making the right choice early can save you stress, money, and maintain your hard-earned SEO ranking.

*SEO is an acronym for Search Engine Optimisation - basically how search engines like Google, Bing (yuck), Safari (Erghhh, no thanks) etc. decide which search results to show you when you type stuff in. The more a page is "Search engine optimised," the more a search engine is likely to show that page.

So, think of "SEO juice" as the lifeblood of online visibility, similar to how fuel powers a car. It's a casual term used to describe the combination of factors and efforts that boost a website's ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Just like a well-fueled car can easily reach its destination, a website with strong SEO juice stands a better chance of appearing at the top when potential customers search for relevant keywords. This top positioning is crucial for attracting more visitors, or traffic, to your website, much like a well-placed billboard catches more eyes.

In the vast and competitive digital landscape, maintaining this SEO juice is key to staying visible and relevant to your target audience.


WordPress vs. Webflow at a Glance

When comparing WordPress and Webflow, it's like putting a seasoned veteran against a dynamic newcomer in the web development arena. WordPress, known for its extensive customization capabilities, boasts a vast ecosystem of plugins and themes, making it an excellent choice for those looking to craft a highly personalized website with a bit more of a learning curve. It's particularly favored for its robust content management capabilities and a strong community support system.

On the other hand, Webflow emerges as a powerful design tool that provides a visually intuitive interface, allowing users to design, build, and launch responsive websites without deep coding knowledge. It's celebrated for its sleek user experience, streamlined design-to-code process, and hosting reliability, appealing to designers and those who prioritize aesthetic and functional harmony. However, while Webflow offers a more controlled environment, it might not (yet) match the sheer scalability and breadth of integrations available with WordPress.

If you want to focus on just one tool for now, we actually wrote a really in depth article entitled "What is Webflow? Everything You Need To Know In 2024," to give more granular look at it!

Ease of Setup

Webflow ease of setup features

Webflow simplifies the setup process, allowing even the least tech-savvy individuals to bring their web vision to life with ease.

From the get-go, Webflow's intuitive drag-and-drop interface makes it straightforward to design and structure a website without the need for coding.

Unlike WordPress, which often requires the installation of multiple plugins to get started, Webflow offers a comprehensive suite of design tools and functionalities out-of-the-box.

This streamlined approach not only speeds up the development process but also reduces the potential for technical complications, making it an attractive option for designers and entrepreneurs who wish to quickly launch a professional-looking website.

Wordpress ease of setup features

In contrast, WordPress necessitates a bit more effort during the initial setup. Newcomers may find themselves navigating through a selection of themes and plugins to enhance their site's functionality and appearance.

Although this might seem daunting at first, this customization process allows for greater flexibility and personalization. WordPress's extensive plugin repository enables users to add complex functionalities without touching a line of code, catering to both novices and seasoned developers.

However, this freedom comes with the responsibility of choosing the right hosting, maintaining updates, and ensuring security measures are in place, which can steepen the learning curve for those new to website development.

Which is better for ease of setup?

In terms of setup ease, Webflow leads the way. Its user-friendly design and ready-to-use features suit those looking for a straightforward website creation process, no coding or third-party plugins required. For users lacking technical skills or unwilling to master WordPress intricacies, Webflow offers a more accessible setup alternative.

Ease of Use

Webflow ease of use features

When considering Ease of Use, Webflow stands out for its visually oriented platform that caters to design-minded users. Its WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface allows for the direct manipulation of design elements on the page, offering real-time feedback and enabling users to craft their site with precision and artistic freedom.

This approach is particularly helpful for those with a keen eye for design but limited coding knowledge, as it removes the need to understand complex code to achieve a professional finish. Furthermore, Webflow's responsiveness controls are intuitive, making it effortless to adjust designs for any device size, from desktops to smartphones.

This ease of customization without the need to toggle between different software or write media queries is a significant time saver and reduces the barrier to creating highly responsive, mobile-friendly websites.

Wordpress ease of use features

Reflecting on the ease of use for WordPress, it's essential to acknowledge that this platform might present a steeper learning curve compared to others like Webflow, primarily due to its extensive customization options and reliance on plugins for added functionalities.

Nevertheless, WordPress compensates with an incredibly user-friendly dashboard that allows users to manage their content, add new posts, and update their site's design with relative ease. The platform also offers countless themes that can be customized to suit any need, giving users the flexibility to create a professional-looking website without deep coding knowledge.

Additionally, WordPress has a vast community and a wealth of tutorials available, ensuring that help is always at hand for those willing to learn and experiment.

Which is better for ease of use

Webflow might be considered superior for users prioritizing visual design and direct manipulation of design elements. On the other hand, WordPress could be deemed better for those looking for ease of use through extensive customization options, content management, and community support. Ultimately, the choice between Webflow and WordPress for ease of use depends on the specific needs and technical comfort of the user.


Webflow customization features

Webflow stands out in the realm of website design and development for its outstanding flexibility and customization capabilities. Users are empowered to visually manipulate every aspect of their website's design, from complex animations to intricate layout details, without the need for traditional coding. This visual approach to development not only accelerates the design process but also ensures that every website can have a unique, professional appearance tailored to the specific needs or branding of the business. Additionally, Webflow's CMS and Ecommerce solutions are seamlessly integrated, allowing for easy customization of product pages, blog posts, and other content types. This degree of control over both design and content is a game-changer for designers and developers aiming to create bespoke websites that truly stand out.

Wordpress customization features

WordPress offers unparalleled customizability through its theme-based structure and vast ecosystem of plugins. Themes in WordPress serve as the foundation for website appearance and layout, many of which offer extensive options panels for tweaking design elements like color schemes, typography, and layout structures without touching a single line of code. Furthermore, with over 58,000 plugins available, WordPress users can enhance their site's functionality, adding features such as SEO tools, social media integrations, security enhancements, and more. This combination of themes and plugins allows for a high degree of personalization, enabling both beginners and experienced developers to tailor their sites to exact specifications and functional requirements. WordPress's adaptability makes it an excellent choice for a wide range of website types, from personal blogs to complex e-commerce platforms.

Which is better for ease of setup

Therefore, if your priority is design control and visual customization without deep coding, Webflow may be the better choice. Conversely, for users looking for extensive functionality and the ability to customize every aspect of their site's behavior through plugins and themes, WordPress is likely the superior option.

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Webflow themes/templates

Webflow has projects known as "cloneables." Cloneables are fully designed projects or components that Webflow users have created and made available for others to clone, use, and customize within their own Webflow projects. This fosters a community-driven ecosystem where designers and developers can share their work, offering a rich repository of ready-to-use designs, layouts, and functionalities. From complete website templates to specific UI elements like navigation bars or contact forms, cloneables provide a significant head start on projects, allowing users to save time and draw inspiration from the community's collective creativity. The ease of importing these cloneables into one's project streamlines the design process, making sophisticated web design more accessible to users of all skill levels.

Wordpress themes/templates

With over 20,000 themes including premium options, WordPress dwarves Webflow. These themes range from simple, minimalist designs to complex, feature-rich options that cater to virtually any website need. One of the platform's standout features is the sheer volume of available themes, both free and premium, ensuring that users can find a perfect match for their site's purpose and aesthetic. Themes on WordPress can be easily customized through a combination of options panels and custom CSS, allowing users to adjust layouts, colors, fonts, and other design elements. Additionally, many WordPress themes come with their own set of plugins and widgets, further extending the functionality and customization possibilities. This extensive selection and the ability to fine-tune designs make WordPress themes a powerful tool for web designers and site owners alike.

Which is better for themes/templates?

If you value a straightforward, design-centric approach with a strong community aspect, Webflow might be your choice. If, however, you seek extensive customization options and a wide variety of themes suitable for different purposes, WordPress could better serve your needs.


Number of users

Webflow number of users per project

When considering the scalability of utilizing Webflow for larger projects or teams, it's essential to note the platform's limitations on user collaboration. On the highest-tier plan, Webflow allows for a maximum of 9 seats, providing comprehensive access to the platform's features for team members. Additionally, Webflow accommodates collaboration with external parties such as agencies and freelancers by offering 2 additional seats at no extra cost, enabling a smoother workflow and more flexible project management. This user capacity feature is particularly beneficial for small to medium-sized teams aiming for high-quality website design and development without the need for extensive personnel.

Wordpress number of users per project

In contrast, WordPress showcases its prowess by supporting an unlimited number of users, a feature that significantly amplifies its appeal to large enterprises and content-driven websites. This scalability ensures that as your website grows, whether in traffic, content, or team size, WordPress can accommodate this expansion seamlessly. The platform's flexibility in user roles and permissions further enhances its capability to manage large teams, allowing for precise control over who can access and modify various parts of the website. This unrestricted user capacity, combined with a robust support community, makes WordPress an ideal choice for those managing large-scale websites or looking to build a web presence with the potential for significant growth.

Which is better for number of users per project

When considering the number of users a platform can support, WordPress clearly has the edge over Webflow. Its ability to support an unlimited number of users makes it exceptionally suitable for large-scale projects, expansive enterprises, and websites with a significant volume of content and traffic. This feature ensures that WordPress can grow alongside your project, accommodating any increase in team size or content contributions without any restrictions. Webflow, while offering a streamlined, user-friendly experience for smaller teams, may not be as effective for larger organizations due to its limitation on the number of seats.


E-commerce Capabilities

Webflow's e-commerce capabilities

Webflow’s e-commerce capabilities provide a visually engaging platform for creators and business owners to craft unique online stores. Unlike traditional e-commerce platforms that may require extensive coding knowledge or reliance on pre-designed templates, Webflow offers a high degree of customization through its intuitive visual editor. This allows users to design their storefronts to closely match their brand identity, ensuring a seamless user experience from homepage to checkout. Additionally, Webflow integrates smoothly with various payment gateways and shipping services, facilitating efficient order processing and fulfilment. Its e-commerce solution is ideally suited for small to medium-sized businesses seeking to establish a distinctive online presence without compromising on design flexibility or user experience.

Wordpress e-commerce capabilities

On the other side, WordPress, particularly through its WooCommerce plugin, offers a robust e-commerce solution catering to businesses of all sizes. WooCommerce, a powerful and flexible e-commerce plugin, transforms a WordPress site into a fully-functional online store, allowing for extensive customization and scalability. Users benefit from a wide array of themes and plugins designed specifically for enhancing e-commerce operations, including product and order management, customer accounts, and payment gateway integration. Additionally, WooCommerce's strong community support and wealth of documentation make it accessible to both beginners and advanced users. This level of versatility and support makes WordPress with WooCommerce an excellent choice for businesses looking to scale their operations and tailor their e-commerce experience to their precise specifications.

Which is better for e-commerce?

Webflow is an ideal solution for entrepreneurs and small to medium-sized businesses prioritizing design and ease of use, with a need for a visually impressive online presence without deep technical involvement. Its all-in-one platform is user-friendly, making it accessible for those without extensive coding knowledge. On the other hand, WordPress with WooCommerce offers unparalleled flexibility and customization, suitable for businesses of all sizes that require a customizable e-commerce platform capable of scaling. It has a steeper learning curve but rewards users with the ability to tailor every aspect of their e-commerce experience extensively. Therefore, the better option depends on the balance between desired level of customization and ease of use specific to each business's unique requirements.



Webflow Blog Features

Webflow shines in providing a visually intuitive platform for designing and managing blog content, offering a blend of aesthetic control and functionality. Its CMS (Content Management System) is particularly streamlined, allowing users to create custom blog post templates without having to write a single line of code. This means bloggers can effortlessly design their blog's layout, ensuring each post aligns with their brand identity. Additionally, Webflow's dynamic content feature allows for the easy integration of multimedia elements such as images, videos, and audio files, enhancing the reader's engagement and interaction. With Webflow, bloggers also benefit from SEO tools that are built into the platform, enabling them to optimize their content for search engines directly within the CMS. These features make Webflow an attractive option for bloggers and content creators who prioritize design flexibility and ease of use.

WordPress Blog Features

WordPress stands out for its extensive range of features tailored to bloggers and content creators. At its core, WordPress enables users to easily create, edit, and manage posts with its user-friendly dashboard. The platform supports a plethora of themes and plugins, allowing for endless customization of a blog’s appearance and functionality. WordPress also excels in content management, offering categories, tags, and an array of widgets to optimize content organization and navigation. For those concerned about search engine rankings, WordPress offers robust SEO plugins, like Yoast SEO, to enhance visibility and drive traffic. Additionally, the platform supports social media integration, making it simple to share content across various platforms and engage with a wider audience. The flexibility, combined with powerful content management and SEO tools, makes WordPress an excellent choice for bloggers looking to grow their online presence.

Which is better for Blog

If customization and content management are your priorities, WordPress might be the better choice. However, for those valuing design freedom and a streamlined user experience, Webflow could be the preferred option.


SEO Optimisation

Webflow SEO Optimization Features

Webflow offers an integrated suite of SEO tools that empower users to enhance their website's visibility without needing to resort to external plugins. Key features include automatic sitemap generation, which keeps search engines updated with new pages, and full control over meta titles and descriptions, allowing for the fine-tuning of how content appears in search results. Additionally, Webflow supports custom 301 redirects, helping maintain SEO ranking when migrating or restructuring a website. The platform also enables easy editing of robot.txt files for better control over what search engines index. With built-in mobile optimization, Webflow ensures websites are responsive across all devices, a crucial factor for SEO as mobile-friendliness is a ranking signal for search engines. These integrated SEO capabilities make Webflow a potent tool for those looking to improve their website's search engine ranking while enjoying a seamless design and publishing experience.

WordPress SEO Optimization Features

WordPress is renowned for its robust SEO capabilities, largely thanks to a wide array of plugins designed to enhance site visibility and search rankings. Among the most influential is Yoast SEO, a comprehensive tool that guides users through optimizing their content, meta tags, and provides valuable insights into readability and keyword density. Additionally, WordPress ensures sites are inherently SEO-friendly with customizable permalinks, allowing for the integration of keywords into URLs effortlessly. The platform supports the creation of XML sitemaps automatically, ensuring search engines can easily crawl and index website content. With a strong emphasis on mobile responsiveness, WordPress themes are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and functional on any device, further boosting SEO rankings due to mobile-first indexing practices by search engines. The combination of these features makes WordPress an exceptional choice for individuals and businesses aiming to maximize their online visibility and ranking in search engine results.

Which is better for SEO Optimization?

Deciding which platform, Webflow or WordPress, is better for SEO optimization largely depends on the user's specific needs, technical expertise, and the level of customization desired. Ultimately, both platforms are capable of achieving excellent SEO results, but WordPress might edge out for users who demand deep SEO customization and control.



Webflow integrations features

With 124 apps at time of publishing, Webflow’s App Marketplace presents a burgeoning ecosystem where users can discover and integrate a wide variety of applications and tools to enhance their website’s functionality and user experience. From advanced analytics to social media integration, the marketplace offers solutions tailored to meet the diverse needs of Webflow users. This ease of access to third-party applications not only simplifies the process of adding complex features to websites but also opens up opportunities for customization without the need for extensive coding. The App Marketplace is continually expanding, with new and innovative tools being added regularly to support users in creating highly functional and interactive websites. This approach enables businesses and individual creators alike to harness the full potential of their online presence.

Wordpress integrations features

WordPress integrations take flexibility and functionality to a whole new level. With over 55,000 plugins available in the WordPress Plugin Directory, the platform offers a vast array of options for enhancing and customizing websites. Whether you're looking to implement SEO tools, e-commerce solutions, social media integration, or advanced security features, there's almost certainly a plugin for every need. This extensive ecosystem enables users to add sophisticated functionalities to their sites without the necessity for deep coding knowledge. Furthermore, the WordPress community is incredibly active, meaning that plugins are regularly updated with new features and security improvements, and assistance is readily available. This makes WordPress an attractive option for users who prioritize a high degree of customization and control over their web integrations.

Which is better for integrations

Deciding between Webflow and WordPress for integrations hinges on the specific needs, technical skill levels, and goals of the user. Webflow's App Marketplace provides a curated selection of tools that ensure quality and compatibility, ideal for users seeking straightforward, reliable integrations without deep coding requirements. On the other hand, WordPress's vast plugin repository offers unparalleled flexibility and choices, catering to virtually any customization need. However, this extensive range requires users to carefully select and maintain plugins, occasionally demanding a moderate level of technical savvy. Therefore, for those prioritizing ease of use and streamlined functionality, Webflow might be the better choice. In contrast, WordPress stands out for users valuing a broad range of features and high customizability, assuming they are willing or able to manage the complexities that may come with it.



Webflow security features

Webflow places a significant emphasis on security, ensuring that users can focus on designing and running their websites without worrying excessively about potential threats. To begin with, Webflow offers free SSL certificates for all sites built and hosted on its platform, providing an essential layer of security that encrypts data transferred between the user's site and their visitors. Additionally, Webflow's hosting infrastructure is powered by Amazon Web Services, benefiting from the robust, scalable, and secure computing environment AWS is known for. Furthermore, Webflow implements regular automatic backups, which means that in the unlikely event of a security breach, users can quickly restore their site to a secure, previous state. This comprehensive approach to security underscores Webflow's commitment to providing a secure, reliable platform for web design and development.

Wordpress Security Features

In comparison, WordPress also takes the security of its users seriously, albeit with a slightly different approach due to its open-source nature. To bolster security, WordPress encourages regular updates of the core software, themes, and plugins, each designed to patch vulnerabilities as they are discovered. The vast plugin ecosystem of WordPress includes several dedicated to enhancing security, such as firewall, malware scanning, and brute force attack prevention tools. While WordPress does not offer free SSL certificates directly, many hosting providers do include them at no additional cost for sites hosted on their platforms. Additionally, the responsibility for backups often falls to the site owner, which can be managed through a variety of plugin options, allowing for scheduled and on-demand backups. Despite the inherent challenges of securing a highly customizable platform, WordPress's extensive community and continued focus on security updates play a crucial role in safeguarding websites against potential threats.

Which is better for security?

For us, this one is Webflow. Webflow provides a more hands-off approach to security, managing much of the required maintenance and offering integrated solutions such as automatic backups and SSL without additional effort from the user. This can be particularly advantageous for users with limited technical skills or those who prefer a solution that minimizes their direct involvement in security management. Ultimately, the better platform for security depends on the user's preference for convenience versus control.



Webflow pricing

Site Plans

For hobby and staging sites to those needing an enterprise-grade solution.

  • Starter plan — Free
  • Basic plan — $14 if billed yearly ($18 if billed monthly)
  • CMS plan — $23 if billed yearly ($29 if billed monthly)
  • Business plan — $39 if billed yearly ($49 if billed monthly)
  • Enterprise plan — Contact Webflow

Ecommerce Plans

Perfect for new businesses getting off the ground to scaling your online business to new heights.

  • Standard plan — $29 if billed yearly ($42 if billed monthly)
  • Plus plan — $74 if billed yearly ($84 if billed monthly)
  • Advanced plan — $212 if billed yearly ($235 if billed monthly)

If you want to really dive in here, check out this article entitled "Webflow Pricing (2024): The Ultimate Guide To Pricing, Plans & Features."

Wordpress pricing

  • Starter Plan — Price: ÂŁ3 per month, ÂŁ36 billed annually, excl. taxes.
  • Explorer Plan — ÂŁ7 per month, ÂŁ84 billed annually, excl. taxes.
  • Creator Plan — ÂŁ20 per month, ÂŁ240 billed annually, excl. taxes.
  • Entrepreneurial Plan — ÂŁ36 per month, ÂŁ432 billed annually, excl. taxes.
  • Cloud Option with Bluehost Expertise — Starting at ÂŁ51/month billed annually, excl. taxes.
  • Enterprise — Starting at $25,000/year billed annually, excl. taxes

Which is better for pricing?

Determining which platform offers better pricing hinges upon the specific needs and scale of a user's project. WordPress starts at a lower entry price, making it an appealing option for individuals or small businesses with tighter budgets. However, Webflow's transparent tier system can be advantageous for users seeking all-inclusive features without the need for additional plugins or customization costs. For ecommerce, Webflow's pricing structure is straightforward and caters to a range of business sizes, from startups to large enterprises. On the other hand, WordPress, with its flexible plans and the potential for lower initial costs through additional hosting like Bluehost, might be more cost-effective for users willing to customize their setup more extensively. Ultimately, the better pricing option depends on the balance each user strikes between upfront costs, desired features, and long-term scalability.



In conclusion, when it comes to choosing between WordPress and Webflow based on security measures, the decision largely rests on the user's specific needs and technical proficiency. WordPress offers unmatched customizability and a vast ecosystem, appealing to those who favor control and have the skills to manage their site's security actively. On the other hand, Webflow presents a more streamlined approach, catering to users seeking convenience, simplicity, and a more hands-off experience in managing their website's security. Both platforms possess their unique strengths and potential drawbacks in the realm of cybersecurity. Therefore, the choice between WordPress and Webflow should be guided by a clear understanding of one's requirements, expertise level, and the value placed on either convenience or comprehensive control.

Let's be real though - do most clients want the extreme flexibility but overkill customisability that comes with Wordpress or the convenience that Webflow offers for practically everything they are requiring to do? That's why we choose Webflow for the vast majority of clients. And while it may seem like the more expensive option, Wordpress plugins rack up costs quickly whereas Webflow has what you need built in.


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