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March 4, 2024

7 Ways To Make More Money As A Designer

In the fiercely competitive landscape of the financial design industry, standing out often necessitates more than just talent and expertise. It involves strategic business acumen and innovative approaches to deliver compelling value to clients. Through this series, we've explored personal insights and actionable strategies to elevate your agency or software company to new heights. As we delve into the following key points, I will share real-life experiences and tactics that have carved a niche for my business in the market. Let's begin with understanding the power of Irresistible Offers and how it can be a game-changer in your client acquisition and retention endeavors.

In this article, we’ll cover:

  1. Irresistible Offer
  2. Shifting away from desperation
  3. Educating over sales
  4. Play the long game
  5. Building offers that create value
  6. Build a business based on relationships

1) Irrisistible offer

The first key point to focus on is harnessing the power of an irresistible offer. Recently, I delved into Alex Hormozi' book "$100 Million Offers," where he emphasizes the importance of creating offers that are so compelling that clients or businesses find it hard to turn them down.

In my context, whether running an agency or managing a software company, this translates to offering an abundance of high-quality components at an exceptionally low price. This type of offer is appealing to many individuals. For an agency, it means providing a wide array of services and exceptional value at a reasonable cost. The goal is not necessarily to be cheap but to ensure that the value provided is so compelling that clients find it logical to say yes.

Hormozi illustrates this with an example of selling a phone for a million dollars. Initially, few would express interest in such an expensive phone until they understand the valuable information, contacts, and deals it contains, which could generate over a million dollars in revenue. The key takeaway is to present an offer that is undeniably beneficial to the client. In the case of an agency like mine, this could involve bundling different services, such as offering design and development together with an SEO service within a limited timeframe and with a discount for full payment. This strategy of bundling services and offering discounts has proven to be highly effective in closing deals.

Alex Hormozi's Book

2) Shifting away from desperation

Moving away from desperate sales tactics is crucial. Initially, chasing that first sale and the thrill of earning $100 seems like the ultimate goal. I remember starting out, excited to design a logo for just $50.

Fast forward to now, where I've turned down substantial project offers for tens of thousands of dollars because it wasn't the right fit.. The shift happens when you no longer feel desperate for a sale. This changes the entire tone of your interactions with potential clients. Instead of you pleading for their business, it becomes about them needing your expertise.

By positioning yourself as an expert, you gain control. You realize that they require your services more than you need their project. While a $5,000 or $10,000 project might seem tempting at the moment, it's essential to assess if it aligns with your overall well-being. Would taking on this client lead to added stress, less time for family, or hinder other projects?

When you view yourself as not reliant on a specific project, the power dynamic shifts. Remember, it's all about understanding your worth and the value you bring to the table.

3) Educating over sales

When engaging with clients, I prefer to focus on educating rather than pushing sales. Instead of boasting about how great we are and why you should hire us immediately, I find it more effective to guide clients, helping them make informed decisions.

By acting as a friend and educator, you establish trust and stronger relationships, rather than just pitching services.

Learn More Designer Insights From Macu

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4) Play the long game

Engaging in strategic client relationships involves playing the long game. Rushing can lead to a sense of desperation and push clients away.

For instance, a potential client approached me with a web app project worth $30,000. Despite the project not materializing immediately, I see value in educating the client and nurturing a future partnership.

Instead of focusing solely on immediate closures, I prioritize building lasting connections by acting as a supportive ally and long-term collaborator. This approach requires patience and a commitment to cultivating enduring partnerships, steering clear of short-lived transactions typical of platforms like Upwork.

5) Building offers that create value

Number five involves creating offers that provide value. I touched on this in point number one, but when we combine various services and offer discounts to clients, it makes them feel like they're getting a great deal.

For instance, instead of pricing design and development at 10 and SEO at 5K separately, we could bundle them for 12 or 13 total. This approach has been quite successful for us. Not only does it increase sales, but it also generates more referrals. When a client works with us not only for design and development but also for SEO, they are more likely to refer us to others who need similar services.

By showcasing a range of skills, whether it's partnering with photographers for headshots or collaborating with illustrators, we can demonstrate our expertise across various domains. This allows us to gradually increase our rates. Bundling different services together can lead to greater perceived value for clients. If a project becomes too inexpensive to execute, we can adjust the scope while ensuring profitability.

The goal is to deliver so much value that clients are eager to work with us and readily see the benefits of our comprehensive offerings. The key is to present such compelling value that clients are enthusiastic and eager to proceed without hesitation.

6) Build a business based on relationships

The seventh point I consider crucial is establishing a business founded on relationships rather than transactions. In the short term, there have been instances where I may have incurred a slight loss due to going the extra mile for a client, even if it wasn't explicitly required in the contract.

Why did we go above and beyond? Because fostering a strong rapport with clients can lead to long-lasting relationships. Being overly strict with contractual terms can hinder this rapport. While major issues should refer back to the contract, for minor matters, proposing beneficial changes can enhance client satisfaction and loyalty.

It may require extra effort, but the impact on client happiness and referrals is invaluable. Prioritizing client needs, even when not obligated, has significantly contributed to the growth of my business. Attention to detail and client care have set my business apart. These are some key tips to enhance your financial design business.


To stand out in a saturated market, it's not just about offering cutting-edge services; it's about exceeding expectations to create value and nurture lasting connections. By following key strategies—from crafting compelling offers to prioritizing relationships over transactions—you can revolutionize your business's image and performance. Embracing these principles has driven my business’s growth, propelling it from startup status to an industry leader. Like a well-managed investment portfolio, a diverse approach to client engagement and service delivery can lead to significant gains. Ultimately, our focus should be on both our business growth and our clients' success, showcasing our true value in the market.